Thursday, September 27, 2018

Male Gaze And Patriarchy Presentation Summary - Group One

Group Members 
  • Barbara Uehara
  • Sarah De Matos
  • Edward De Barrors
  • Jada Amerally

Our Presentation focused on "A MAN’S WORLD: PATRIARCHY AND THE MALE GAZE"

  • Display of a plus sized instagram model who creates abstract art that comprises of her nudes and hateful comments by her followers.
Instagram Model "heylauraheyy"
  • The definition of the Male Gaze:
The best way to begin defining male gaze is with Berger’s quote, “Men survey women before treating them. Consequently, how a woman appears to a man can determine how she will be treated.”(Berger 46)
Males feel entitled to women, as if they are solely created for their pleasure. Men are meant to be served and not to serve, in connection with patriarchy, the male gaze solidifies the specific gender roles that patriarchy presents.
  • The definition of Patriarchy:
Patriarchy has been the social oppression of gender roles defining the survival by differentiating women and men. The sound of intimidation spurs from the idea of being equal to a woman.
"Until we can collectively acknowledge the damage patriarchy causes and the suffering it creates, we cannot address male pain" (Hooks, 30).
  • Two Artists were featured: Polly Nor and Laura Callaghan

    • These artists combat the Male Gaze and Patriarchy with the use of their art work. Expressing women as their true selves and not what society wants them to be seen as and expressing how they have been affected by the male gaze and patriarchy(Polly Nor).
Image result for polly nor art
Polly Nor

Image result for laura callaghan
Laura Callaghan
  • Global Perspective
    • We included Brazil in our global perspective section of the presentation :
  • Brazil
    • In terms of global perspective, our group presented about Brazil and how patriarchy affects women in various shocking ways. We mentioned women presentation in political positions with statistics such as:  “The first female assumed office in senate in 1979.” Also, the group showed statistics about brutal violence against women and salary difference between men and women in Brazil. The piece of art included for the global perspective section was a poster of Marielle Franco, a gay women of color who was also a city-councilor for the city of Rio de Janeiro, that died in a shooting in a slum. Marielle was a feminist who fought for human and reproductive rights and she is considered a symbol of the future of a better Brazil. 
    Mariella Franco
  • “I am a Woman, I am not here just to satisfy your abusive pleasure. I am a Woman, I have feelings and demand respect. I am a Woman and you are no better than me.” - Jada Amerally

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