Friday, September 7, 2018

Eunice Golden

Eunice Golden:

Eunice was a groundbreaking painter during the 1960’s and 1970’s who became the voice for many women who were too afraid to fight the ongoing patriarchal society. She wanted women all over to feel liberated and although she acknowledged that it was quite difficult, since it was a male dominated society, it was not impossible. For instance, in one of her most famous paintings, named, “Crucifixion #1” she portrays a sensual, nude woman lying down and her arms forming the shape of a cross. Although, the painting itself is abstract, it is easy to detect the structure of a phallus in the image and she includes this to emphasize that liberation for a woman is complex. It is a delicate situation because while a woman is trying to become her best self, achieve her goals, she also wants to fulfill her pleasures and men can sometimes be overexerting their male power in that way; they take away the woman’s authority. During Eunice’s time period she witnessed men prohibit women artists from painting male nudes and would only allow nudes, if they depicted a woman. Therefore, Eunice utilized her rebellious spirit and talent to fight these double standards and inequity by painting several “male landscapes”. These paintings finally made the males experience what it was like to be an item in art pieces and the women were able to view them as well as critique them. Eunice took a stand for women and decided that these double standards and oppression had to be terminated. I find this artist, incredibly relevant because to this day, women still struggles with inequalities, whether it’s in the workforce (lower salaries), sexual abuse or just a matter of women not having the liberties that men are given since birth. For instance, one of the most recognized events, the “Me Too Movement” shows a multitude of stories of how women were sexually harassed and abused and kept quiet out of fear. Many cases, the men violated the women and threatened that if they did not comply, their careers would be ruined. This is a major issue that has yet to be terminated. There needs to be more awareness and artists like Eunice Golden that support women in every aspect of their lives and attain a life where women can be liberated and treated as what they are, equals.

"Crucifixion #1" (image found at

Although this painting is also abstract, the colors and 
shapes utilized by Eunice evoke a feeling of intimacy.

 "Landscape # 160" (image found at

This painting at first glance appears to be something related to nature, like a stormy coastline, but Eunice includes the male figure to emphasize sexuality and control.

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