Sunday, September 9, 2018

Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago is an American feminist artist, who is known for her artwork showcasing women, particularly about birth and creation, in which Chicago examines women as it pertains to their role in history and culture.

In 1970, Chicago founded the first Feminist Art Program in the United States at Fresno State College. The class only consisted of women and Chicago wanted the class to be held off-campus, far from the experience and expectations of men. Since then, Chicago has been considered one of the first-generation feminst artists, and has played a major role in the Feminist Art movement in the United States since the 1970s.

Chicago's is most known for her piece, The Dinner Party. The Dinner Party was a way for Chicago to teach women about their own history, as Chicago put it. The piece took her five-years to complete, and for a grand total of $250,000. Each place setting is dedicated to a historical or mythical female figure, like artists, goddesses, activists, and martyrs.

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