Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Chloe Wise

Chloe Wise

Chloe is a fairly new and young artist (painting, drawing and sculpting) from Canada. She really resonates with the millennial generation. I chose Chloe Wise because of the familiarity of our world now that she brings to her artwork. I enjoy the way she incorporates the idea of media and societal culture today – more specifically how she brings a “satirical slant on commodity culture and the way women perceived to care too much about their looks are often assumed to be unintelligent or untalented”(Elle Magazine, 2016) Chloe herself adds, "People still have a hard time understanding that women have co- existing qualities”. In my opinion, there is also a sense of honesty, vulgarity and humor in her work, which is something I feel that I can personally connect with. Each painting, drawing or sculpture has an original and quirky title. Not to mention, her oil paintings are both very detailed and beautiful to look at. 

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