Tarsila do Amaral was an artist and painter, born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1886. She is considered to be one of the most influential Latin American artists because of her participation in the modern art movement and in the Antropofagia Movement in Brazil. Tarsila also used to belong to a group called "Grupo de Cinco" which was made of four other Brazilian artists who majorly influenced the modern art movement in Brazil. This group was formed after Tarsila returned from studying art in Paris in 1923. The five artists all organized a meeting that lasted a week to discuss modern art and a possible deviation from conservative art in Brazil. The group focused on promoting Brazilian culture by exploring indigenous styles methods rather than European ones. Tarsila's work addresses a cultural issue because art used to revolve around European ideologies and since Brazil is no longer colonized by Portugal, she thought it was important for Brazilian art to express and reflect the freedom and modernization of a country who is free of European colonization.

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