Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Maren Hassinger

To start off, being a business major myself, by no means do I feel that I have any great knowledge or judgement of art myself. I simply and truly appreciate the pieces of work I see around me or am introduced to because I know that my mind does not function to see nor reflect on being able to use my creativity to that extent. I look up to any artist that can think outside of the box to create perception and dimension with everyday objects within their exhibitions.
That being said, one of the pieces of work that Maren Hassinger shared with us through her presentation really stood out to me. Her use of blowing up cheap, regular pink plastic bags and adhering them to the wall to create magnitudes and dimensions within a room was something that I found unique and innovative. Another interesting thought was how she mentioned that she picked up trash from a park and replaced it with pink trash so that it would naturally pop out on the greenery. On a mild artist’s perspective that I can perhaps dig within myself, I understand where she puzzled that together in her mind, based off of the contrast of color. A question that did pop up into my head that I didn’t get a clear understanding of is that why would she want to do that? I did not understand the point she was trying to put across by simply replacing regular trash with pink trash. I did not find a clear message to reason it.
Overall however, the presentation was interesting, and I am happy we had the opportunity to be introduced to an amazing artist, such as Maren Hassinger, who further shared her innovative and uniquely themed exhibitions and experiences with us. Her use of Pink for the stance of seeing everything through a lens was one of her best creations according to me.

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