Monday, December 3, 2018

The Dinner Party - Experience

Brooklyn Museum, November 30, 2018 

I recently attended the Brooklyn Museum and had an intriguing experience going to see The Dinner Party done by Judy Chicago. Just being in that room made me feel so grateful to witness a historical mark in women achievements, it is an unreal feeling learning about it and actually seeing it in real life. As my friends and I walked into the gallery I was already taken away by how detailed the artwork was, all I wanted to do was touch the artwork just to feel the details. The distinctive plates and the representation behind each one portrayed the message so vividly,  in a dark room there was only one focus, the art.  The 3D plates designed in form of the female genitalia was incorporated in such a powerful way in this piece, this piece gives me a sense of empowerment as a female and as the plates are one more breathtaking than the other the one that stoodout to me was Virginia Woolf's.

Not to discredit the other plates presented but this plate intrigued me because of how delicate yet powerful it is designed, a picture does not do enough justice to describe how big it is and detailed every curve is done. Judy Chicago will always be a great representation of what it means to be persistent for your beliefs and because of her, we are able to witness a room filled with history that women until today fight for. I've taken many trips to different museums but I can honestly say it is a guaranteed good trip when you are knowledgeable about the pieces you're seeing and knowing about this piece made value the artist work and made me admire the artist itself.
Guerrilla Girls 'Pop Quiz', Guerrilla Girls, 1990

I also encountered familiar artwork, I had walked into a room filled with most of the work talked about in class done by the Guerrilla Girls. It is amazing to see artwork that encourages people to think about real issues and make them uncomfortable enough to take action. I visited multiple parts of the museum and was taken by surprise on how it is such an amazing museum just a train ride away and I have never taken the time to come until now.

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