Thursday, August 30, 2018

Syllabus Fall 2018

Art and Women 
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30am-12:50pm Hayne and Co. Building HAH 322 
Department of Arts, Culture and Media – Rutgers University
Professor Doris Caçoilo
Office hours by appointment
In this course students will be introduced to key issues and theoretical approaches in the study of art and women. The course will provide a historical overview of artworks created by women from the classical world to the present, with an emphasis on those from the 20th century. It begins with the examination of the socio-cultural conditions in which women artists have often been excluded or marginalized in art history and emphasizes how issues of gender have been encoded in art practice, exhibition and collection.

The course will use a historic context of feminist art and media studies to interpret and analyze contemporary art and media examples. Students will read across various fields to interpret and critique images in art and media to explore women’s role and perception, women as audience and the importance of women as artists.

Students will be able to identify major women artists, their works, and their stylistic characteristics in different periods. Students will develop the ability to create thoughtful and engaging projects and writing assignments. In addition to a rigorous reading schedule students are required to write various projects for the class blog and sustain continued research and writing throughout the course in addition to the scheduled assignments.  Students will understand the socio-cultural conditions in which women artists of different periods and areas have worked

Students are expected to use theory, criticism and philosophy to understand art and art history. Feedback from classmates is a valuable resource for the improvement of student writing and work. Critiques and discussions allow us to share our analysis of the readings with others and express our intentions and interpretations. Class participation is essential and mandatory.

Class sessions will be divided into presentations and class discussion of the readings. Presentations will address both theoretical and analytical issues related to women and art. Students are responsible to be prepared for class, read all assignments on time and post all writing and projects to the blog, paying attention to technical and aesthetic presentation as well as thoughtful and well-developed content. All work must be handed in on time.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS:   Whitney Chadwick, Women, Art, and Society, 4th or 5th edition, (New York: Thames and Hudson), 2007. (earlier edition ok: but you are responsible to find any information that is not included)
The Guerrilla Girls, The Guerrilla Girls’ Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art (New York, Penguin Books, 1998)

READINGS Various weekly reading assignments will be assigned from the required texts or available on Blackboard. The reading schedule will be distributed on the blog. Readings are due each week.

CLASS PARTICIPATION For each reading you must prepare two questions and two quotes or passages from the readings for class discussion. Several students will be called on in each discussion and you must have these prepared for each reading. 

BLOG You must consult the class blog daily to check for announcements, readings and to post your assignments. The blog is crucial to the course and completion of the requirements. You MUST have access to the blog to complete assignments, readings, post work and comment on students’ posts. 

TWITTER You must create a twitter account (if you do not already have one) we will share articles, art reviews and resources with each other using the class hashtag #artandwomen

Four writing assignments published to the blog, a group presentation as well as two in-class exams must be completed during the semester. Students must also complete all assigned readings and participate in class discussions. Assignments must be completed thoroughly and on time. 

*Posts 1-4
Students must develop researched responses to readings and discussions in class. Each post will be specific to the topics covered in class at that time and will be explained during class. Students are responsible to write and edit these posts as well as illustrate them and successfully post them to the blog for discussion and critique in class. 

*Group presentation 
Create a presentation that illustrates the readings for that day. You can choose to focus on one particular theme, reading or theory or give a general overview of themes covered. Presentations should be organized, clear and engaging and should include a visual component in addition to an exciting interactive presentation. All students in the group must participate. These should be 7-10 minutes. The presentations should spur discussion within the classroom. Presentations should end with a question or questions posed to the class. MAKE IT AWESOME! Presentation summaries must be posted to the blog. Every student will present once throughout the semester. 

*Midterm and Final Exams
Students must be prepared for two in-class exams based on class lectures, readings and discussions. Exams will include slide identifications and short essays. A study guide will be posted to the class blog and discussed in class before each exam.

Attendance is required. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class. Absences affect your participation grade. More than four (5) unexcused absences will result in an 'F' for the class. No exceptions. Class begins on time, so you must be punctual. Lateness, leaving early or leaving class unexcused for an extended period of time will also be recorded. Two of these instances will count as one absence. You must bring documentation to class and hand it in to me for any absences to be excused. 

You are required to make up any and all work that is missed if you are absent. Notify the professor if you know you will be absent. As work will not be accepted late, please contact the professor to hand in work on time. If you have missed class and/or assignments for reasons outside your control please communicate with the professor about these issues. NOTE: BACK-UP and save your work frequently as you are working on the writing assignments online.

20% 4 blog posts 
50% 2 in-class exams 
10% group presentation
20% attendance/participation (Contributions to class discussion, on the class blog + attendance) 

The Rutgers Writing Center, located on the first floor of Bradley Hall, can provide very useful guidance, including writing tutors. It is highly recommended that every one visit the center as they are developing their essay. To encourage this visit, extra points will be given to those who provide documentation of their work with the center. The Center's online address

Plagiarism Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense which will result in penalties ranging from reduction of class grade to failure in the course. Plagiarism occurs when the ideas, images, and words, published or unpublished, of others are presented as one's own without citing the original source. Plagiarism also occurs when the papers, research, or creative works of another person are presented as one's own work. “The sources from which one derives one’s ideas, statements, terms, and data must be fully and specifically acknowledged in the appropriate form; failure to do so, intentionally or unintentionally, constitutes plagiarism. Violations of academic integrity may result in failure in the course and in disciplinary actions with penalties such as suspension or dismissal from the College” (1999-2000 Undergraduate Catalog, p. 43). For the University's policy on plagiarism please read the Rutgers-Newark Student Handbook, PAGE 189, available on-line at:

******PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND I WILL INFORM YOU OF SPECIFICS AND CHANGES PERTAINING TO THIS SCHEDULE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you ever have questions or concerns about the schedule, due dates, changes or anything else please check the blog and e-mail me.

***Readings from required texts are found below. Additional readings for each class will be found on the blog. It is the student’s responsibility to check the blog for all readings and assignments due.

Week 1: 
9/4 T – Introduction and discussion. Set up students on the class blog.
9/6 Th – Introduction and discussion. Set up students on the class blog.

Week 2:
9/11 T Classical World/The Male Gaze Discussion session. Readings Due. Guerrilla Girls, pg.7-17 and two pdfs available ON BLACKBOARD. Please check immediately to make sure you can access these readings.
MINI POST due on the blog

9/13 Th – Classical World/The Male Gaze Discussion session. Readings Due. Guerrilla Girls, pg.7-17 and two pdfs available ON BLACKBOARD.
GROUPS assigned in class

Week 3:
9/18 T – The Middle Ages and Renaissance Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch. 1, 2 + 3  Guerrilla Girls pg.7-37

9/20 Th – The Middle Ages and Renaissance Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch. 1, 2 + 3  Guerrilla Girls pg.7-37
Post 1 due

Week 4: 
9/25 T – 17th and 18th Century Europe Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch. 4 + 5, Guerrilla Girls pg.39-45 
Group 1 presents

9/27 Th – 17th and 18th Century Europe Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch. 4 + 5, Guerrilla Girls pg.39-45 

Week 5: 
10/2 T – 19th Century Victorian England and American Craft, Painting, and Sculpture Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.6, Ch.7 and Guerrilla Girls pg.47-57 
Group 2 presents

10/4 Th – 19th Century Victorian England and American Craft, Painting, and Sculpture Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.6, Ch.7 and Guerrilla Girls pg.47-57 

Week 6: 
10/9 T – Impressionism Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch.8
Group 3 presents

10/11 Th – Impressionism Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch.8

Week 7:
10/16 T – Impressionism Discussion session continued and Midterm Exam Review
Post 2 due 
Group 4 presents

10/18 Th – EXAM 1

Week 8:
10/23 T – Early 20th Century Modernism and Abstraction, German Expressionism, Dada and Surrealism Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch. 9 + 10, Guerrilla Girls pg.59-79
Group 5 presents

10/25 Th – Early 20th Century Modernism and Abstraction, German Expressionism, Dada and Surrealism Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch. 9 + 10, Guerrilla Girls pg.59-79

Week 9:
10/30 T – Gender, Race and Modernism after World War II - Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and Politics of Race Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.11 + Ch.14, Guerrilla Girls pg.80-88
Group 6 presents

11/1 Th – Gender, Race and Modernism after World War II - Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and Politics of Race Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.11 + Ch.14, Guerrilla Girls pg.80-88 

Week 10:
11/6 T – Feminist and Performance Art Discussion session. Readings Due. Chadwick, Ch.12, Guerrilla Girls pg.89-91
Group 7 presents

11/8 Th – Feminist and Performance Art Discussion session. Readings Due. Chadwick, Ch.12, Guerrilla Girls pg.89-91

Week 11:
11/13 T – Postmodernism Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch.13 
Group 8 presents

11/15 Th – Postmodernism Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick, Ch.13
!! POST 3 DUE (new date - check sidebar for details)

Week 12:
11/20 T – Women Artists Today Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.14
Group 9 presents

11/22 Th – THANKSGIVING Day No Class

Week 13: 
11/27 T – Women Artists Today Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.14

11/29 Th – Women Artists Today Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.15

Week 14:
12/4 T– Women Artists Today Discussion session. Readings Due: Chadwick Ch.15
!! POST 4 DUE (new date - check sidebar for details)

12/6 Th Women Artists Today Discussion session continued and Final Exam review

Week 15:
12/11 T EXAM 2

Class Screenings


Mickalene Thomas on her materials and art influences

Mickalene Thomas on portrait of Mnonja

Importance of image- Imani Sims (artist/curator) on Mickalene Thomas

Mickalene Thomas interview with Institute of Contemporary Art ICA Teens 

Mickalene Thomas Studio visit Bloudin ARTINFO

5 women artists - Our City Dreams

Female Body
Biography of Frida Kahlo

Feminism and Art History

A Tour of the Dinner Party - narrated by Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago on Feminist Art
video of The Dinner Party at Sackler

Women don't belong on a table

Women Art Revolution

Faith Wilding

Film: Who does she think she is?

Yoko Ono _ Cut piece with commentary 

2012 at MoMA The Artist is Present

short doc

Marina Abramovic
what is performance art?
first performance
body as medium

Freeing the Memory

LIGHT\DARK Marina Abramović and Ulay

Relation in Time. Marina Abramović and Ulay

Marina Abramović and Ulay "Imponderabilia" [1977]‬
reenactment by Eva and Franco Mattes aka 0100101110101101.ORG

Postmodernism - Making Images 

What is Postmodernism?

Barbara Kruger

Cindy Sherman
untitled - film stills
becoming an artist
in her words - her characters

Sherrie Levin
After Walker Evans
NY Times Slide show
After Sherrie Levin - Michael Mandiberg

 Women Art Revolution - Interview with director Lynn Hershman Leeson 2010
clip from the film

 20C Women - Politics: Race, Patriarchy, Imperialism
Faith Ringgold on Quiltmaking
on Visual Art History

Betye Saar - The Liberation of Aunt Jemima

Louise Bourgeois

Nancy Spero
women as protagonist

Miriam Shapiro - Idealism - Feminist Art - Support _ Heresies

Joyce Kozloff about her work Feminism and race and representation
career and consciousness raising

Adrian Piper
student project reading her piece

calling card:
what will become of me

Shirin Neshat
Women Without Men trailer

Doris Salcedo
identity of the artist
on memory

Rachael Whiteread

Maya Lin

Ghada Amer

Sophie Calle



Elizabeth Sackler Center at the Brooklyn Museum
A Place at the Table

documentary 5 women artists in NYC
Our City Dreams

Examples of semester projects:
Evolution of Art in Arab world

Linda Hu

Puerto Rican Artists

Censorship and Culture in art  


Male Gaze
Tatyana Fazlalizadeh WAYS OF SEEING (episode two - female nude) 4/4

Women and Female Roles
Mona Lisa Smile

examples of video projects
teenage curator - ny times

gender roles

art21 segments:
Barry McGee and Margaret Kilgallen "Place"

Cindy Sherman "Transformations"

Full length:
Cindy Sherman, Nobody is Here But Me, 1994

Guerrilla Girls

PBS digital

NY Times

Example of a GG video Project from 2016

On Colbert

Guerrilla Girls

List of Important Terms

Ally: Any person or institution who understands how doing anti-homophobic work benefits them and their people, and then goes ahead and does that work. Being an ally is more active than being a friend.

Bisexuality: Sexual attraction to and/or behavior with both sexes.

Biological Sex refers to the physiological and anatomical characteristics of maleness and femaleness with which a person is born.

Gender Identity refers to one's psychological sense of oneself as a male or female.

Gender Role refers to the socially constructed and culturally specific behavior and expectations for women (femininity) and men (masculinity).

Coming out: The act of defining oneself as gay or lesbian. There are significant moments and incidents of "coming out" -- to family, religious community, neighbors, colleagues. Coming out also represents the daily, ongoing need to not be made invisible in a heterosexist society.

Dyke: Many lesbians self-identify as dyke. This is not a word all lesbians feel comfortable with. It is still a loaded term that is used in a derogatory way by homophobic people.

Fluid: A term suggesting that sexuality and gender are social constructs and that it is natural to feel a certain "fluidity" in sexual attraction and identity. Fluid refers to accepting the continuum of sexual orientation from gay to straight with every nuance in between.

Gay: Traditionally, the term gay has referred to men. It has come to include lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, transexuals, etc. The word came from the Gay Liberation movement.

Heterosexism: Believing heterosexual lifestyle is superior to other lifestyles; promoting heterosexual lifestyle.

Heterosexuality: Sexual attraction to and/or behavior with the other sex.

Homophobia: The fear, intolerance, mistreatment, and oppression of homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbian women, gay men. It is often used to express the mistreatment and oppression of gay people by individuals and/or institutions.

Homosexuality: Sexual attraction and/or behavior with the same sex. sexuality, lesbian women, gay men. It often used to express the mistreatment and oppression of gay people by individuals and/or institutions.

Lesbian: Gay woman. Most lesbians prefer the term lesbian because it gives gay women an identity independent from men. There is a growing diversity of lesbian lifestyle and culture. Many lesbians self-identify as dykes.

Outed: (As in, "They 'outed' her at the meeting.") When someone tells other people that another person is gay.

Partner: A term used to describe a sweetie, loved one, wife/husband, comrade-in-life, within the gay community. It is also a term straight people consciously use for their lovers/spouses as an act against hetereosexism.

Patriarchy is the root cause of sexist oppression. It is a system of oppression which values the work of men over that of women, which privileges male culture and men oriented roles and tasks over that of women and women oriented tasks. It is a system of oppression that elevates men into positions of power and decision-making while devaluing or diminishing the contribution of or role of women. **Taken from MXGM Definitions**

It is a system of oppression, which assumes and accepts heterosexual relationships as the norm and values those relationships at the expense of others.
Patriarchy, arguably the first system of oppression learned by everyone, intersects with other systems of oppression such as white supremacy, classism and heterosexism to oppress Black women and Black LGBT/Queer people.

Patriarchy is a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence.....Bell Hooks

Privilege: A resource or state of being that is only readily available t some people because of their social group membership.

Queer: A term, loved by some gay people, hated by others, that reflects inclusion of gay, straight, transexual, transgender, bisexual, and questioning people. Outside of the gay/lesbian community, queer is a derogatory term used by homophobic people.

Questioning: Being open to defining one's sexual orientation.

Racism is the belief that there are inherent differences in people's traits and capacities that are entirely due to their race, however defined, and that, as a consequence, racial discrimination (i.e. different treatment of those people, both socially and legally) is justified.

Racism is more than a matter of individual prejudice and scattered episodes of discrimination.There is no black racism because there is no centuries-old system of racialized subordination and discrimination designed by blacks to exclude whites from full participation in rights, privileges, and benefits of this society. Black racism would require not only a widely accepted racist ideology directed at whites but also the power to systematically exclude whites from opportunities and rewards in major economic, cultural, and political institutions. While there are Blacks with anti-white prejudices, and there are instances of Blacks discriminating against whites, these ….are not part of an entrenched structure of institutionalized racism that can be found in every part of this country **Taken from MXGM Definitions**

Right: A resource or state of being that everyone has equal access to, regardless of their social group membership.

Sexism: The cultural, institutional and individual set of beliefs and practices that privilege men, subordinate women, and denigrate values and practices associated with women. Sexism is more than a matter of individual prejudice and scattered episodes of discrimination. There is no female sexism because there is no centuries-old system of sexualized subordination and discrimination designed by women to exclude men from full participation in rights, privileges, and benefits of this society. Female sexism would require not only a widely accepted sexist ideology directed at men but also the power to systematically exclude men from opportunities and rewards in major economic, cultural, and  political institutions. While there are women with anti-male prejudices, and there are instances of women discriminating against men, these ….are not part of an entrenched structure of institutionalized sexism that can be found in every part of this country. **Taken from MXGM Definitions**

Sexist oppression is any force or entity that limits the self-determination of women and girls. It is the exercise of male privilege (power and control), by individuals as well as the state and results in violence and abuse of women and girls. Sexist oppression is propagated by the state through policies and practices that adversely affect women. The result of these policies is the creation and expansion of an economic and social underclass of women who struggle to support their families while they are treated as expendable labor. **Taken from MXGM Definitions**

Sexual Orientation: Sexual orientation is the term people use to define what gender they are  sexually attracted to. A person who has a sexual attraction to members of the opposite gender is called heterosexual (or straight), while someone who has a sexual attraction to members of the same gender is a homosexual person. Sexual orientation is a continuum, not a set of absolutely different categories. It is not known what determines a person's sexual orientation.

Social Power: Access to resources that enhance one's chances of getting what one needs in  order to lead a comfortable, productive and safe life.

Transgender: This has become a catchword for transvestites, transexuals, female and male impersonators, drag queens, those without a specific gender label.

Transsexual: Changing to another gender: surgically, chemically, and/or aesthetically.

Gender non-conforming refers to people whose gender expressions do not match stereotypes of how girls/women or boys/men are "supposed to" look and act. In reality, most  people in general don’t meet all gender expectations and stereotypes either; almost nobody is perfectly masculine or perfectly feminine. The reason gender nonconforming people are included in the list of transgender people is that there are some people who identify as transgender but are not transitioning gender, and do not consider themselves cross-dressers, androgynous, or gender queer. Gender non-conforming people have an increased need for safety while in the shelters.

Two-spirit: The definition of a two-spirit person varies across the Native American cultures in which they appear. In general, two-spirit people are born one sex, and end up fulfilling the roles assigned to both sexes, or other roles reserved for two-spirit people. Some people consider two-spirit a term that can refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, while others think it is best used only for transgender people.

Transphobia is the negative valuing, stereotyping and discriminatory treatment of individuals who do not conform in appearance and/or identity, to conventional conceptions of gender. Trans-identified (transgendered) individuals, lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and their supporters are typically the targets of transphobia.

Taken from:

additional resources for definitions and terms: